Antique and Vintage Furniture, Pictures, Collectables, Ceramics, Glass, Silver and Jewellery.

444 items 444 items
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room Wokingham

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Antique and Vintage Furniture, Pictures, Collectables, Ceramics, Glass, Silver and Jewellery.

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444 items
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A Fine Stained Wood Globe Wernicke Bookcase. Circa 1900. Comprising 20 compartments with leaded glass fronts. 384cm wide. 173cm high. 28cm deep. N...

Globe Wernicke Bookcase. Circa 1900. Of four graduated sections. A single frieze drawer below. With original labels. 160cm x 87cm x 31cm. ...[mor...

A mahogany extending dining table and chairs (two carvers and four dining chairs). 20th century. 76cm x 152cm x 89cm (extra centre leaf 36cm)
