ONLINE AUCTION: to include 3 Country House Clearances,Luxury goods, Oriental,Vintage, Sporting,Silver,Watches,Collectors,Pictures,Furniture,Rugs

A major auction to include a clearance from a Devon Estate of a Lady, with luxury goods, pictures, furniture, and a Cotswold Country House clearance,

681 items 681 items
Auction closed
room Nr Highworth, Swindon

Auction details

ONLINE AUCTION: to include 3 Country House Clearances,Luxury goods, Oriental,Vintage, Sporting,Silver,Watches,Collectors,Pictures,Furniture,Rugs

A major auction to include a clearance from a Devon Estate of a Lady, with luxury goods, pictures, furniture, and a Cotswold Country House clearance,

Auction closed

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Currency: GBP
Buyer's premium Inc. VAT/sales tax: 24.00%
Online commission inc. VAT/sales tax: 5.94%

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Quantity of decorative interior items including Nancy Calhoun collection lacquerware items, jewellery box, books with hidden compartment etc (Cond...

PIERRE FREY, PARIS, "Les Trophies"; Porcelain de Limoges: a large quantity of boxed items, 6 unopened complete with cellophane wrapping and till b...

Qty of vintage measuring rulers, sticks, some Boxwood, a wooden set of brass gram weights, a wooden and brass bottle stand & vintage wooden draft...

Clarice Cliff bowl Bizarre & Clarice Cliff jug Fantasque & Royal Doulton Flagon with stopper, impressed marks to base PB 2598 and Royal Doulton st...
